Hi, I'm Gizmote! I like music so much that I started making some myself. I also do Game Jams occasionally.
I can compose for your game or project! Email me at gizmodude8128@gmail.com or DM my Discord @Gizmote and we'll talk.
I post my music on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, and other platforms. https://linktr.ee/gizmodude8128
If you like the things I do, feel free to join my Discord server: discord.gg/ZMsryev
Other games I worked on:
Music: https://globalgamejam.org/2023/games/root-access-4-1
Music: https://buzjr.itch.io/across-the-sea-of-dust-and-rot
Music: https://steli2.itch.io/the-ninja-way
Music but the link doesn't work anymore: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463354
Literally 1 asset (the key): https://opflowers.itch.io/murderinlondon